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A member registered Nov 17, 2018

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are there any requirements for obtaining those ships or they just randomly appear in shipyards becouse i spent around 2 hours in the game and i never saw them

(1 edit)

well kraken idea was tossed in the mix as a  instant death game mechanic that would make a player be wary going to  the map borders and as a source of fear, becouse right now my biggest fear in battles is the wind and lack of ammo i dont particularly fear the ai ships killing me (though i still didnt make a playtrough in very hard and impossible mode )

as the boarding idea, you can make boarding harder by boosting crew of higher tier ai ships (my idea is that pirate crew is deadly against smaller warship, merchant crews but weaker than the crew of brig of war or bigger ships) plus limit the diversity of ships that we as a pirate player can buy so that the only way to obtain, lets say frigate, brig of war, brig, we can only obtain by boarding. this way as a smaller ship with a smaller crew we need to prepare a good crew and make good use of grapeshot ammo. you can expand this so the best ships we can only get when the nation that hates us sends a fleet to sink us. you can also limit the boarding mechanic by the the crew number if you have the minimum number of crew (crew that survived boarding) for both ships you can choose to keep it  and if you dont have the numbers than try again.

as of now

saves are a little buggy

game crashes sometimes - sometimes coz she wants to crash, sometimes becouse you buy a new ship and you want it upgraded the same moment or to make it  a flagship (workaround for me is to buy the ship save game and leave the port to do a battle than come to a port and try to upgrade/make it a flagship. 50/50 chance of fixing it this way)

money bug - sometimes i would come to a port, go to market first to sell my cargo to than go repair my ship or upgrade it when the game tells me i dont have enough money while 10 seconds ago i sold cargo worth 1500 gold 

title self explanatory

well i wonder if the brig of war  and ocean barque are the biggest ships we can own in game right now

and i took  a lookin  the game files and saw something that looked like a british ship of the line and flying duthchman so i want to know if they are implemented in the game.

if you are interested in game mechanics, story, ships, just a general place for asking developers about something related to the game

game is good but it could be better with adding something like this:

- ship inventory managment system      (so we can throw overboard cargo we dont want)

-option to take over another ship after boarding   (cuz we are all cheapass pirates and we cant be bothered to buy a ship lol)

-when we anger someone they are not passive so they send someone to sink us

-give us some kraken/monster to deal with  (to kill or run from)

-option to take cityes for some nation or for pirates

-ability to make us a pirate king

this is it for now please feel free to add more 

well its simple put your suggestions here so we avoid creating a bunch of disorganised topics.

but be mindful, creator may or may not implement these suggestions in the game. 

hi, thanks for quick response

i started game from begining, i would get random crashes when leaving ports but when i bought my second ship crashes became less erratic, what i mean i buy a ship, than go to market sell a bunch of stuff and try to leave the port = a crash. it also happens when i try to switch flagships just after i buy a new ship, what i did to stop it the first time was to save with the new ship, leave the port than go back to port and than change the flagship and continue on. now on my 2nd flagship change nothing works every time i choose a new flagship instant crash though the game works just fine if i just use the old flagship and keep the new ship just as a part of my convoy

im thinking of just starting a new game from scratch and hoping that the problem was in saves.

Plunder Horizon community · Created a new topic crash

game constantly crashes when switching flagships

im using windows 10,  64bit and game version 5b 

does anyone else have the same experience or a solution to this problem